5 Seasons Brewing (Sandy Springs, Georgia, USA location closed).4 Noses Brewing (Broomfield, Colorado, USA).3 Stars Brewing Company (Washington, DC, USA closed).2nd Story Brewing Company (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA).21st Amendment Brewery Cafe (San Francisco, California, USA).16 Mile Brewing Company (Georgetown, Delaware, USA closed).Yet another option is to try the Coaster Collection page or the Glassware Collection page.
Or feel free to return to my Brewing Arts page. You can also see these locations plotted on a map at my Brewery Map page. For the most part I use a pretty conservative definition as I count. I’ve also visited several large breweries but they usually count as zero (except for Castlemaine Perkins Ltd. On rare occasions that impossible so it’s acceptable to take a growler, crowler or bottle home and sample it there. Then I have to sample at least one beer produced on-site. So breweries and brewpubs definitely count but tap rooms generally do not (unless they do). For me, beer has to be produced on the actual premises. What counts as a visit obviously differs from person to person.

We’ve even planned entire vacations around brewpub visits. It hasn’t been easy but it’s sure been fun. I began the quest to hit the magic 100 myself and finally reached it more than three years later on Januat Brewer’s Alley in Frederick, Maryland (and have gone on to much more than that too). I believed him because he was able to describe several brewpubs that I’d visited before that were nowhere near Wisconsin. In December 1995, my wife and I met a guy at the Great Dane Pub in Madison, Wisconsin who claimed to have been to a hundred different brewpubs. The 636 Breweries and Brewpubs I have visitedĪlso See: The Beer Index | The Big Map | Coasters | Glassware